HV 20.000 CHIPEO

Output Stage Taramps Classe D (1 Canal 20.000 Watts RMS)


HV 20.000 CHIPEO

Power, performance and high output are some of the synonyms of this Taramps module. It has a maximum power of 20,000 Watts RMS at 0.5 ohm, thermal and anti-short circuit protection. It is powered by batteries in series, as it uses batteries as its power source. This is a unique line in its category, delivering extremely high power to medium and large car stereos. Highlights from the sub-bass to the mid-range, with high timbre performance and sound quality.

Meet the HV 20.000 CHIPEO!

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Technical information
0.5 Ohm VERSION Potência Máxima @ 164VDC
0,5 Ohm: 20.000W RMS
Number of Channels 01
Output Voltage 164VDC @ 0,5 Ohm - 13 Baterias
Input Sensitivity 330mV (Level 100%) @ 0,5 Ohm
Aux Input standard 0,2%
Signal to Noise Ratio >98dB
Frequency response 10Hz ~ 10KHz (1dB)
Efficiency 91% @0,5 Ohm (A máxima potência)
Input impedance 22K Ohms
Protection system Curto na Saída, curto na saída em relação ao GND
Tensão Baixa, Tensão Alta e Proteção Térmica
Power Supply Voltage Mínima: 100VDC
Máxima: 250VDC
Consumption at rest 150mA
Maximum music consumption @ 0.5 Ohm 67A
Maximum Sinusoidal Consumption @ 0.5 ohm (100Hz) 134A
Dimensions (H x W x D) 228 x 64 x 358mm
Weight 3,60Kg
EAN 7898556845007